BizOpps – Business Opportunity Seekers and Buyers
American was founded on the idea that you could start your own business and fail or succeed based on your own efforts. Self-determination is a light that burns brightly in the US and the concept of self-employment enforces it. In fact, the self-employed and the workers they hire account for 30% of the national work force. 99.9% of all business owners are self-employed. The number has grown 50% in the last decade with almost a half million new businesses every year.
That is where List57 comes in. We find the people who are looking NOW for their golden ticket of self- employment to be punched.
Phone Interviewed Survey Leads
Survey leads go a step beyond double-optins for validation and confirmation. These consumers have been contacted by phone and answered questions regarding their intentions to start a business. In some cases such as a start-your-own-business offer these leads are perfect. For others such as ancilliary offers there is still great value. Even if your product has nothing to do with self-employment these subscribers have shown responsiveness and that is the backbone of any campaign.
200 Surveyed Leads
Phone Interviewed Fresh

Mobile – Cell Phone – Safe Optins
Mobile leads have to be double opted in because of the data charges that can accumulate on your contacts’ cell phone bills. Because of optin, data, value and legal constraints these leads are a bit more expensive. Accordingly, we do our best to make sure your list meets all the requirements needed to perform in the mobile environment.
10,000 Mobile Cell Phone Bizopp Leads 24hrs

Business Opportunity Buyers
Bizopp buyers are people who took an action indicating that they are interested in making additional money from home. Our buyers leads are considered more likely to be in business or be starting businesses. Some of these lists can be smaller (1k) lists or they can include one million unique contacts. They all have full headers: Names, Email, Postal, IP, etc. We are supporting self-determination by offering a wide scope and price range for you to employ.
1000 BizOpp Buyers
Under 30 days

Business Opportunity Seekers
Bizopp Seekers are people who are out there kicking the tires and slamming the doors to see what is available. They are testing the quality of their choices and they are interested in finding out more about going into business for themselves. We collect them when they enter their personal information and agree to receive offers about business opportunities.
10,000 BizOpp Seekers
Under 30 days

Bulk Email Leads
Sometimes we just want to dispense with the detailed vagaries in targeting demographics and throw a net over the whole lot. We can’t find numbers like this ANYWHERE for less than three times the price of these leads. Try looking in our mega databases or checking the price on max bizopps buyers or seekers leads. If you have a BIG need to expand your contacts and just a little money then this is a good option to bolster your sales. The lists contain email addresses only so there is nothing to do but plug them in and hit send.
1 Million Bulk Email Only

Australian BizOpps Seekers
Aussie bizopp leads have a few things going for them. For one, Australians are natural born talkers and go-getters. This makes them great prospects for home-based, MLM and online business opportunities. They are all about trying things out and putting the work in for a worthy cause. There is lots of room to make a move there. There is more of everything there than people. The entire country of Australia has just slightly more humans than Los Angeles County (22mil vs 21). That makes one of our lists exponentially effective! The headers are: First Name, Phone, Email, IP, Date/Time in csv
1,000 Australian Bizopps
New Business Opportunity Seekers

UK Business Opportunity Seekers
We are a US based business and we respect the rights of people everywhere to run businesses using their own brand of English. These lists are from our foreign English speaking group which includes Canada and Australia. They are great for boosting UK specific bizopp campaigns and international e-commerce master lists. The headers include first name, phone, email address, IP, date and time. The phone and IP can be used to filter for culturally unique messages in this small but quite diverse area. Cheers!
1,000 UK Bizopps
New Business Opportunity Seekers

CoReg – Our Multi-tool leader
CoRegistration (CoReg) means that when we sign up for an offer online we may also be agreeing to register with another website or offer. Also called autoresponder or co-opt-in, it is generally the best way to grow a contact list because it contains a wide market segment at a great price. Additionally, these lists are empowered by the subscriber’s enthusiasm in filling all the fields and checking the more offers box. We offer these at under 30 days and we get thousands daily so depending on handling times yours could be only a few days old.
100,000 CoReg
Under 30 Days
Haven’t found it yet? Please use our request free quote button and we will help you find exactly what you are looking for.