Thank you for choosing List57 as your list supplier! You have reached our secure payment portal. We get targeted with many fraudulent credit cards daily and this is our way to ensure a smooth transfer of goods and services. You can help us keep prices lower by clicking on one of our secure methods below.
Directions: Click on one of the options (Bitcoin, Zelle, Bank Wire, Cash App, PayPal, MoneyGram or Western Union) Then, fill in the form. You will receive an email with complete directions for fulfilling your request. Additionally, a sales associate will be notified of your request and they will contact you to complete the order.
Ringless messaging is perhaps THE BEST way to reach people with an offer right where they stand. It works by dropping a voice mail right onto their cell phone voicemail inbox. This product bypasses TCPA and DNC laws because you never actually reach the person's phone. The message is placed on the internet server where everyone's messages are stored. Usually people will just call the return number. We are so excited about this because it is totally legal and totally awesome! Just submit the form or email or call to find out more.