Investor Leads For Sale
If You Need To Contact Wealthy People – Anywhere In The World,
Our Private, Accredited, High Net Worth, Wealthy Individuals Investors Lists Are What You’ve Been Looking For…
Investors leads from List57 provide a BIG picture of who is spending their liquid capital on what. We can help you find the key demographic for your product or service. Please look through our list of lists and pick the right one for you. Also, contact us if you don’t see it here. We are always updating and searching for more…
Why Pay Top $$
For Investor Leads?
You Can Pay Pennies!
Genuine Investors
968 Surveyed Accredited Investors – 2022
According to our source, these are “Accredited, vetted, and super qualified” investor leads. Truthfully, everyone says their product is awesome. However, you can tell a lot about a list by looking into it. For example, 572 investors say “YES” in the Email Y/N field and 263 are crypto investors. There are a lot of fields that indicate interest or initiative. Basically, it is a good lead sheet with lots of variables. If that sounds familiar then this may be the list for you.
Header: Fname, Lname, Email, Street, City, State, Zip, Phone, Phone2, 401K or IRA, Active Investor, Age, ALT Phone, Ball Park Networth, Call Back Time, Crypto Currency, Do You Make Your Own Investments, Email Y/N, High Risk Investor, Interested Sectors, Lead Contains Email, Liquid, Looking to Invest, Most Profitable Investments, Move within 72 Hours, Networth-income, Obtaining Funds From, Occupation, Online Trading, Optin, Scale, Tax Bracket, Verify Address, Verify Email, Whom do you consult?
This is a small portion of a much larger list. Please let us know if you require more.
968 Surveyed Accredited Investors – 2022
Full Header
750,000 Crypto Investors Leads
Crypto leads are customers who have made purchases on crypto sites or have exchanged money to crypto using exchanges. We acquire these leads in bulk from third party sites. Importantly, cryptocurrency is a rapidly rising investment area and these are one-of-a-kind lists of investors. These custom lists take about a day to collate and deliver. Thus, everyone gets a different list. Obviously, anyone in a given field will be receiving similar offers. Our customized lists give you a better chance of being first with your offer. Note: Pay with Bitcoin, Bank wire or Zelle only
See more crypto leads here
750K Crypto Investor Leads
Unique List
100 Surveyed Fronts – 2021
These individuals have put their investments in many different projects, such as Stocks, Oil & Gas, Technology, Cannabis, Biotech/Medical, Private Placement, etc. Many are accredited investors. All are unique fronts that will be delivered in PDF format.
Fields include: First and Last name, Postal Address, Phone, Cell, and Email
*Note: not all questions are answered for each investor
Survey Questions include: Age Group? Are you currently in a position to invest? Are you an accredited investor? Are you currently working with a broker or do you invest over the phone? What type of investments have worked for you in the past? When did you last make an investment? What is most important to you when looking for an investment opportunity? What are you liquid for currently? Do you have an online stock acct.? Do you have an IRA?
What type of investment would you consider next for your portfolio?
100 Surveyed Fronts – 2021
Unique List
3,000 Accredited Stock and Private Placement Investors – 2022
Accredited investors are financially sophisticated and have a reduced need for the protection provided by regulatory disclosure filings. According to Investopedia, a private placement is a sale of securities to a pre-selected number of individuals and institutions. There are minimal regulatory requirements and standards for a private placement even though, like an IPO, it involves the sale of securities. Surprisingly, the sale does not even have to be registered with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Simply, these are high-net-worth individuals (HNWIs) with little oversight and the ability to make their own decisions.
List includes: Full Name, Fname, Lname, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, Phone Type, Email, Date of Birth, Gender
3,000 Accredited Stock and Private Placement Investors – 2022
Unique List
13,904 Residential Real Estate Investors
Full Contact info and emails included
12,401 Commercial Real Estate Investors
Full Contact info and emails included
12,002 Cash Buyers Real Estate
Full Contact info and emails included
50,801 Real Estate Investors
Email Only – no additional data
11,184 Businesses Investors
Full Contact info and emails included
12,557 Ultra Wealthy net worth 10Mil+
Full Contact info and emails included

FEDEX Whales, Current Clients
These are people who had checks picked up via Fedex
They are all major players who do business over the phone
Notice: Many of the phone numbers on these lists are on the Do Not Call List – we do not scrub these. Some people have gone ahead and called these lists, with legit investment opportunities, and they were never turned in for a violation. (PS: They were VERY successful…)
6291 Whales And Current Accounts 2016
1000 Accredited Investors
Current Traders, Whales
1000 Targeted Accredited Investors
Target Whales, You Choose
10K Accredited Investors
Current traders, Whales
All Accredited Investors
All Current Traders, Whales In Stock
Solid Accredited Fronts, 2016
Good solid investor leads, all pre-qualified and ready to be called.
You will find many prospects ready to roll in these files.

1500 Solid Fronts 2016
Accredited Fronts
5K Solid Fronts 2016
Accredited Fronts
14,891 Solid Fronts 2016
Accredited Fronts

Clients, Fronts, Surveys
Aged xls Files
These are people who were on a list of Active Investors.
All have name, and phone, most have mailing address also.
3000 Opened Stock Accounts 2013
Extensive fields: prefix,first,minit,last,suffix,baddress1,baddress2,bcity,bstate,bzip,crrt,dpb,fips,bphone,salutation,idstatus,user1,company,contact,title,user2,emptotal,user3,slstotal,user7,fax,user8
1500 Real Investors, Liquid Assets
Sent Packages 2010
8049 High Net Worth Investors 2012
Name, phone, email – 70% have addresses
500,000 Fuel/Gas Prospects
Email Addresses Only

Non-USA Aged
Clients, Fronts, Prospects
These are people who were qualified as Investors outside of the USA.
All have name, and phone, most have mailing address also.

5,660 Canadian Investors Collection 2020
We compiled 11 Canadian “micro” lists to create this unique file consisting of 5,660 records. Specifically, it includes 5,659 phone numbers, and 4,812 email addresses. All 11 lists are from the same “private” provider; i.e., not a broker or reseller. Approximately 70% are accredited.
Importantly, there were extra columns and empty fields created during the merge. Conversely, the extra space will seem worth it. There are lots of notes creating a wealth of metadata such as “loves gold” or “prefers green investments.” When used properly, this type of info can really enhance your marketing efforts.
Header: First Name, Last Name, Phone + Alt Phone, Phone2, Email, Alt Email, Known Investments, Comments1, Comments2, Comments3, Comments4, Comments5 – Note: not all fields are complete
5,660 Canadian Investors Collection 2020
Highly Annotated
98 European Investors 2014
Optin – Name, Email, Phone, Business in US, Portfolio 50K-100K, Decision maker ready to receive call or email
6000 UK Shareholders Includes Some Details 2014
Title, Fname, Lname, Add, Town, Country, Post Code, Shares
50% have Market, Industry, Tel number
1150 Very High Net Worth Investors
Email Address, First Name, Last Name – CSV
6770 European Investors 2016
Executive Name, Email Address, Phone Number, Country
4800 UK Binary Options and Forex Investors
Forename, Surname, Street, Town, Postcode, Home Tel, Work Tel, Mobile Tel
8182 European Investors 2015
5000 UK Investors 2014
Title, Fname, Lname, Add, Pcode, Tel Number
22,159 Asia Investors 2014
First Name, Last Name, Email Address, City, Country, Phone Number
22,000 Lawyers-Investors 2015
Peru 566, Mexico 1061, France 4538, England 1390, Canada 575, Australia 14,541
Build Your Own Master List
The List57 responsive master investor database provides members new and exciting investment opportunities. These investors are actively aware of events that exist within the Small Cap market. Additionally, this file comprised of highly targeted sub directories. Importantly, these individuals have shown their interest by responding to offers for information about specific industries. They welcome email and direct mail offers which keep them up to date on new opportunities.
The files are 100% Opt-In and include the subscriber’s email and postal address.
RECOMMENDED USERS OF FILE: Public & Private Companies, Investor Relation Firms, Ad Agencies, Financial Institutions products & services.
TARGET MARKETS: Small Cap Stocks, Investor Relation Campaigns, Investment Opportunities, Financial Services, Real Estate Investment, Retirement Investments.
SOURCE: Internet and In-House Sites as well as Multiple third party financial and investor web sites & surveys
- 92,598 OIL & ENERGY
- 151,290 TECHNOLOGY
- 123,453 REAL ESTATE
- 79,529 WIRELESS
- 137,405 BIOTECH
BASE CHARGES Postal $90/M Email $90/M
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